Four Key Facts About Concussions Following A Personal Injury

13 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog


Concussions are a common occurrence during things like sports events, car accidents, slip and fall incidents, and other activities. Unfortunately, despite how common they are, they're also often misunderstood. These misunderstandings frequently lead to injury victims overlooking the potential for concussion. If you've suffered a concussion as the result of an accident or another incident that someone else was liable for, you may have a solid personal injury case. Here's a look at a few things that you should know about concussions before you dismiss the possibility that you may have one.

You Don't Have To Lose Consciousness To Have A Concussion

Many people associate concussions with a loss of consciousness. As a result, they figure that if they didn't lose consciousness, they couldn't possibly have a concussion. The truth is that you can suffer a concussion whether you lose consciousness or not. Unfortunately, many concussions that don't result in even a brief loss of consciousness can be overlooked by both the patient and the doctor.

The key is to watch for some of the most common symptoms of a concussion after any kind of accident that causes even a mild head injury. For example, headaches, confusion, nausea, persistent fatigue, ringing in your ears, and slurred speech are all warning signs of a possible concussion. If you're seeing symptoms like this after a head injury, you should reach out to your doctor right away.

Each Concussion Is Unique

Every concussion affects the body in a different way. You won't necessarily get the same symptoms as someone else you know, or even the same symptoms you had from a previous concussion. In addition, someone with even a mild concussion may be fine at first and then could end up unconscious as pressure or swelling occurs. Sometimes it even takes several days or longer for some symptoms to become apparent.

You Need To Have Patience With Recovery

Concussions take time to fully heal. If you try to rush your recovery, you could inadvertently do more damage to your brain. Remember that you need to avoid any kind of mental or physical strain during your healing time. For some people, even watching television can be too much during that recovery phase. Be attentive to how you feel and what symptoms you're experiencing, then follow your doctor's guidance during the recovery.

You May Have A Personal Injury Claim

Understanding these facts is key to recognizing the presence of a concussion. It's important that you can identify it and have it diagnosed, because you may be able to file a personal injury claim against the responsible party. If you have received a diagnosis, talk with a personal injury attorney in your area right away to see what your options are.