Mistakes That Can Cost You in an Auto Accident Lawsuit
ShareIf you were the victim of a car crash that another driver was responsible for, it's likely that you're working with an auto accident attorney to seek compensation. Be aware that compensation is not guaranteed; there are mistakes that could be made along the way that would end up costing you money in the end. You could end up receiving less than what you feel you are owed or not receiving any money at all. Below are some mistakes that could hurt your case.
Telling Lies
It is important that you are honest about the accident throughout the entire process, since being caught in a lie at any point could put the whole case in jeopardy. For instance, you may be tempted to say you were not speeding during the accident. But, if you were caught speeding on camera this could make you appear untrustworthy. Lies will only weaken your case, so it is a good idea to always tell the truth to avoid the potential backlash.
Talking About the Accident to Others
You should only be discussing the details of your accident with your lawyer, who will then decide what to mention during your case. While the case is under investigation, you'll want to avoid talking about it on social media or to anybody that asks you about it. You do not want your words to be twisted. This could make it difficult to accurately represent how serious the injury is or the details of how the accident happened.
Signing Your Rights Away
A common tactic that insurance companies try, is to offer you a small lump sum of money for the accident in exchange for settling the case. Be aware that this means you are unable to collect further compensation to help pay for your injuries, even if you have extensive medical bills. That cash may be helpful to have right away, but you could receive more compensation by taking the case to mediation or to trial if necessary.
Missing Medical Appointments
It's crucial that you attend all medical appointments related to your injury. If you miss appointments, you must have documentation as to why it happened. Your doctor visits may be used against you as a way to prove your injury wasn't serious because if you are missing appointments, it likely means that your injuries are getting better.
Navigating a personal injury case can be challenging, which is why it is beneficial to work closely with your lawyer. It's a good way to ensure that you don't make mistakes along the way.